Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sauce from the Angels !

Cooking ITALIAN tomato sauce
is an art and when it's done,it's no more tomato Sauce... it is Ragu'!  
  The RAGU' is the name in Naples, Italy for TOMATO SAUCE cooked with meat.
In a pan sauté in 2 TBS oil olive, 1 garlic cloves and 1 shredded onion.
Add meat (meatballs or sausages), the tomato sauce (28 oz. can) and a cup of water. (Optional a carrot to reduce acidity and to be later discarded and a glass of wine)
Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat and let the sauce cook slowly for 1, o... 2 hours. In Naples they say that the sauce has to "pippiare" which means has to make a p p p sound!
The meat can be served with pasta dishes or crumbled for the preparation of lasagna or pizza toppings.

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