Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Spaghetti con olio, aglio e perperoncino

Spaghetti with garlic, olive oil and hot chilli pepper
This spaghetti dish is known in the town in Campodimele as the spaghetti of chuckholds because it's so quick to make that it's the pasta course of choice for housewives too busy being unfaithful to their husbands to prepare anything more elaborae.  It is indeed the simplest and most delicious store-cupboard standby meal.
40OG (14 Oz) spaghetti
Three or four good splashes of extra virgin olive oil
Three cloves of the freshest garli, finely chopped
Fine seal salt
Few good inches of crushed dried red chilli
Bring a large pan of salt water to a boil, add the spaghetti, and cook according to the instructions on the packet, usually about eight to ten minutes.
About one minute before the pasta is coooked al dente, heat the olive oil in a large, deep pan an add the garlic, stir over a high heat for about one minute, ensuring the garlic does not colour.
Remove the oil and garlic from the heat, and stir in a pinch or two of salt and a few inces of crushed dried chilli, add a little or a lot, according to taste.
The spaghetti should now be al dente, so drain through a colander, and add to the pan of flavorured oil, mixing well to ensure every strand is well coated.
Serves 4

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