Thursday, May 22, 2008

Perfect Pasta Italy Magazine

Perfect Pasta Every Time…

In a large pot (8-quart capacity is ideal), heat 4 to 6 quarts of water to a rapid, rolling boil for one pound of dry pasta. (You can adjust this amount depending on how much pasta you are cooking.)

When the water reaches a rapid, rolling boil, if salt is desired, add 1 tablespoon for every 1 pound of pasta. Then add the pasta gradually, stirring at the same time. Allow the water to return to a rapid boil.

Stir the pasta when it first goes into the water, when the water returns to a rapid boil, and occasionally during cooking to prevent it from sticking.

Begin timing the pasta after the water returns to a rapid boil. Follow the package directions for cooking times for the best results. Manufacturers have tested their brands and shapes for the best cooking times.

Use a long-handled fork or spoon to taste for doneness. For pasta cooked “al dente,” which means “to the tooth” in Italian, it should be slightly chewy with a very small white dot of uncooked core at the center. For more tender pasta, there should be no trace of white uncooked core.

Drain, but DO NOT rinse the pasta unless it is to be used in a cold salad, reserving a small amount of the pasta cooking liquid. Toss the pasta immediately with sauce and, if the sauce appears too thick, add some of the reserved cooking liquid a little at a time until the desired consistency is achieved.

If the pasta will be used in a cold salad, drain, rinse with COLD water, and immediately drain again. Then proceed to prepare your dish.

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